Rhuddlan Castle

Langford Estate Filming

Today Chat Noir Productions were back at Rhuddlan Castle, this time filming shots on land belonging to Lord Langford of Bodrhyddan Hall. These shots give a unique view of the castle, especially shrouded in the beautiful morning mist.

Teaser for Rhuddlan Castle documentary

Following last autumns gruelling shoot (in the middle of a hurricane), Chat Noir and Lost in Castles are proud to share the first teaser trailer for Rhuddlan Castle: Gateway to Wales.

The DVD will be on sale in the new year, once post-production has been completed.

Rhuddlan Castle - pickups

Today Chat Noir Productions were back on location at Rhuddlan Castle, filming pickup shots for the next Lost in Castles DVD.

Rhuddlan Castle - Day 2

Chat Noir Productions are proud to have finished a second day of shooting at Rhuddlan Castle in North Wales, in conjunction with Lost in Castles and with permission of Cadw.

Rhuddlan Castle - Day 1

Chat Noir Productions has just finished the first day of a shoot at Rhuddlan Castle for the latest Lost in Castles documentary.

Aerial footage with DAP Facilities

During the pre-production phase on Rhuddlan Castle Chat Noir Productions was approached by DAP Facilities, offering to supply aerial footage of the castle. Below is a sneak preview of the stunning footage provided by Paul and his team.